The Zacchaeus Course – testimonies

IMG_7624“The Social Doctrine of the Church is anything but a dusty old book. It is a collection of teachings of the Magisterium, and also a collection of experiences and good practices for life in society.” Carine (27)

“The Church is an “expert in human nature“, it says things that are sensible”. Emma (23)

“Before, I just used to try to put times of prayer into the race against time that is daily life. The life of a housewife is valued far less than work outside the home! Now, I have an incredible inner peace!” Agathe (32)

“The Church provides signposts. Love is the guiding force. The Social Doctrine of the Church is more practical than people imagine. Learning the Social Doctrine helps one to love and to make others love the Church.” Julie (36)

IMG_7318“Following the Course teaches one to be a good Catholic throughout the week and not just on Sunday. Jean-Marc” (46)

“It has had a huge impact on me; it will give me a practical tool for making decisions from day to day, and give meaning to actions which I had difficulty in making sense of in the past.” Chantal (57)

“Personally, the Course has helped me enormously. The part about the family of course, but also in the way one should behave at work. The Course has also helped me to understand my role in co-creation better.” Max (31)

“The Social Doctrine of the Church offers a just and realistic vision of the world which helps us to grow and not be overburdened. What it offers is practical.” Constant (26)

“The Social Doctrine of the Church has evolved; it is solidly based and clear-sighted“.  Philippine (42IMG_7244)

“It is as though the Church had given me a suitcase but I had never opened it. I always put it off until later. I have discovered that, in fact, there was a treasure inside, which was very practical, and which spoke to me.” Etienne (56)

“My life has not been revolutionised, but I have been given a lasting peace with regard to my state in life. Many people hear this and do not believe it … But it is true.” Agnès (34)

“The Course makes the connection between Mass and the next! It ensures that what you do during the week is consistent with what you do on Sunday. If you have a feeling that life is empty, you must follow the Course as a matter of urgency.” France (42)

“The Zacchaeus Course enables one to understand better what it means to be Christian and to have work to do to change society where one happens to be.” Francis (53) IMG_7286


“The Course offers formation which gives meaning to all we do each day. It is an opportunity to teach yourself in a very practical way.” Noémie (22)


“People are led to think about the fact that they are often chasing an illusory material happiness, then that true happiness can be deeply rooted in human nature.” Christian (38)

“It makes me grow in my relationship with others; I set myself goals so that I will improve.” Lucien (22)

“It helps us to sanctify our daily lives. It helps us not to “do the splits” between the Christian message and everyday life. If you are looking for an academic course on the Social Doctrine of the Church, you will be disappointed!”  Victor (27)